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10 Principles

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Tea Party of Kentucky Our Ten Principles


One Nation under God

America needs to return to being “One nation under God,” and to being under the Constitution,
which the Founders based on Biblical principals.

We especially need to respect the First Amendment.


Low Taxes

Throughout history, Socialism has never worked, and it will not work now.

The government should not use taxes
to punish those who are productive,
and it should not give to those who are less productive.

Excessive taxation and regulation of business has caused unemployment and eventually bankruptcy of many of the governments of Europe.


Responsible Free Enterprise

It is Free Enterprise with individual responsibility that made America the most prosperous nation in history.


Balanced Federal Budget

The government needs to balance its budget like every one else.


Promotion of the Traditional Family

The Traditional Family is the basis of all civilization.

The Father and Mother
have the ultimate responsibility for their children and should have the right to choose
where to send their children to school,
not the government (Choice in Education).


Religious and Political Liberty for Students

Tax supported public schools should not discriminate against Christianity or particular stances on politics.

We should restore to American children
the right to pray,
the right to see the Ten Commandments,
the right to hear a balanced presentation of
Creation Science and the Theory of Evolution,
and the right to express their political opinions in an orderly manner.


Government as Servant, Not Master

The government should work for “We the People.”

We should not answer to them. They should answer to us.


Prudent Robust Nationalism

The only way for us to have peace is for America to be strong,
to control our borders,
and to be independent of foreign oil.

The armed forces are for defense, not social experiments. We need to respect the Second Amendment.


Equality under the Law with a Right to Life

All have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, there is no guarantee of equal results.


No Political Payoffs

We work hard for what we have,
and we will share it with whoever we choose.

The government should not take our money for their political payoffs.

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